Removing GRUB from windows system after uninstalling Ubuntu from Windows 7 [duplicate]

You need Windows 7 installation disk, boot it, choose repair option when you are asked to menu.

It will check automatically for start up problems. Let it check it.

  • It will not find any problem with start up.
  • It will allow to choose options. Choose command prompt.
  • In cmd you have to type just two following commands and grub will be removed.

    bootrec /fixmbr  
    bootrec /fixboot

Close cmd and restart your machine.

Here's how.

  • Download and burn the Super Grub Disk ISO to a CD.
  • Boot from it.
  • Select the Choose Language & HELP :-)) entry.
  • Select the English entry.
  • Select the Windows entry.
  • Select the Fix Boot of Windows entry.
  • Reboot once the process is complete.

No more Grub! :)

  • Put windows 7 disk and boot from it.

  • Choose to repair windows now.

  • It will ask to repair, select yes. After restart if grub is still there, follow above step.

  • Select windows partition found by the recovery manager and click Next

  • Now choose startup repair.

This internally uses command fixboot and fixmbr. You can google for more details.