Passing multiple values to a single PowerShell script parameter

I have a script to which I pass server name(s) in $args.

This way I can do stuff to this (these) server(s) using foreach:

.\script.ps1 host1 host2 host3

foreach ($i in $args)
    Do-Stuff $i

I'd like to add a named optional parameter called vlan. I've tried:


foreach ($i in $args)
    Write-Host $i
Write-Host $vlan

It works if you pass a -vlan parameter but if you don't then the script auto assigns the last server name to $vlan.

So, how can you pass single or multiple parameters plus an optional named parameter to a PowerShell script?

Ideally, here are valid examples:

.\script.ps1 host1
.\script.ps1 host1 host2 host3
.\script.ps1 host1 host2 -vlan office

The easiest way is probably to use two parameters: One for hosts (can be an array), and one for vlan.

param([String[]] $Hosts, [String] $VLAN)

Instead of

foreach ($i in $args)

you can use

foreach ($hostName in $Hosts)

If there is only one host, the foreach loop will iterate only once. To pass multiple hosts to the script, pass it as an array:

myScript.ps1 -Hosts host1,host2,host3 -VLAN 2

...or something similar.

One way to do it would be like this:

    ) ...

This would allow multiple hosts to be entered with spaces.

Parameters take input before arguments. What you should do instead is add a parameter that accepts an array, and make it the first position parameter. ex:

    [Parameter(Position = 0)]

foreach ($i in $Hosts)  
    Do-Stuff $i

Then call it like:

.\script.ps1 host1, host2, host3 -VLAN 2

Notice the comma between the values. This collects them in an array