How do I document classes without the module name?

I am trying to document a python package with sphinx and have successfully generated html files. The package I am documenting consists of a set of *.py files, most containing one class with a couple of files being genuine modules with functions defined. I do not need to expose the fact that each class is in a module so I have added suitable from statements in the file e.g.

from base import Base

so that the user can use the import pkg command and does not then have to specify the module that contains the class:

import pkg
class MyBase(pkg.Base):  # instead of pkg.base.Base ...

The problem is that sphinx insists on documenting the class as pkg.base.Base. I have tried to set the add_module_names = False in However this results in sphinx showing the class as simply Base instead of pkg.Base. Additionally this also ruins the documentation of the couple of *.py files that are modules.

How do I make sphinx show a class as pkg.Base? And how do I set the add_module_names directive selectively for each *.py file?

Solution 1:

Here is a way to accomplish what the OP asks for:

  1. Add an __all__ list in pkg/

    from base import Base    # Or use 'from base import *'
    __all__ = ["Base"]
  2. Use .. automodule:: pkg in the .rst file.

Sphinx will now output documentation where the class name is shown as pkg.Base instead of pkg.base.Base.