Administrator account with no password is unusable

I tried removing my administrator account's password. Now that there is no password set for it, I cannot put a new one nor do any actions which needs administrator privileges.

I tried different fixes found on askubuntu, including resetting of password using recovery mode. However my problem is that when I'm on the part where the console asks for password, I cannot type anything, thus I can only send a blank respond.

Then it's unchanged. I also experience this kind of problem that I'm unable to enter password on consoles like when I tried on the free Debian server I got (just putting it up an example just in case you can help me to this problem).

Thank you very much! And I'll appreciate immediate help. More power to Ubuntu.

Solution 1:

Here's a shorter one if you can still log in:

  1. Open Terminal
  2. Type "passwd."
  3. You will be asked to type your new password right away since you currently have none. Type away!


I had this problem too just yesterday. I changed the admin password at the login options to none so I wouldn't have to type anything at login. That was terrible placement because the password at the log-in options is "the password." You can't have an administrator without a password but it's a bug that it allows you. Fortunately, I had auto login turned on.

Solution 2:

There is no administrator account, per se. There is an admin group, but that has no password; the password is the person who may be a member of that group, along with many other groups. Groups never have passwords

There is an account for root, which is equivalent to an administrator on some systems like windows. But on Ubuntu, this defaults to effectively not being set, and is unknown to you unless you change it. I think it may be set to a GUID, which is a very long number, but it doesn't really matter.

So, I'm guessing what you did was to remove yourself from the admin group; permissions on linux are by user or by group, and SUDO allows use either by user or by group, admin group being one parameter.

This happens a lot, it seems, and can be seen in this topic, or this one.

This problem illustrates one of the reasons that normal users are not allowed to do things like you did. Originally, you would need to be more knowledgeable to do these things that can mess up the system and lock people out.