Connecting to wireless networks from command line

I'm assuming you're using Ubuntu Desktop as you didn't specify otherwise.

You can create a wireless network configuration that will be managed by Network Manager by creating files in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections. Look at existing files to see how the format looks like.

Once the connection is created, you can use the nmcli command to manage NetworkManager from the command line, doing things such as enabling, disabling and querying connections.

Incidentally, the System Testing tool (checkbox) has a script that does exactly this: creates a connection and enables it, with parameters that you supply on the command line.

For instance, this creates a connection to the open "duck" network:

sudo /usr/share/checkbox/scripts/create_connection duck

This will create a connection to a network using WPA2 security, with "wings" password:

sudo /usr/share/checkbox/scripts/create_connection -S wpa -K wings duck

The script is written in Python so it should be easy for you to look at and adapt to your needs.

The script's help says this:

Usage: create_connection [options] SSID

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -S SECURITY, --security=SECURITY
                        The type of security to be used by the connection.
                        One of wpa and wep. No security will be used if
                        nothing is specified.
  -K KEY, --key=KEY     The encryption key required by the router.
  -U UUID, --uuid=UUID  The uuid to assign to the connection for use by
                        NetworkManager. One will be generated if not
                        specified here.
  -R RETRIES, --retries=RETRIES
                        The number of times to attempt bringing up the
                        connection until it is confirmed as active.
  -I INTERVAL, --interval=INTERVAL
                        The time to wait between attempts to detect the
                        registration of the connection.