Why is 1>a.txt 2>&1 different from 1>a.txt 2>a.txt ? (Example shown)


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Why does redirecting both STDOUT and STDERR to the same file not work, although it looks like the same as 1>[FILENAME] 2>&1 ?

Here is an example:

perl -e 'print "1\n" ; warn "2\n";' 1>a.txt 2>a.txt
cat a.txt
# outputs '1' only.

Well, why? I thought that this works because... STDOUT is redirected to a.txt and so is STDERR. What happened to STDERR?

With 1>a.txt 2>&1, file descriptor #1 is duplicated to #2. They both reference the same "open file", and they both share the current position and r/w mode. (There's actually no difference at all between using 2>&1 and 2<&1.)

With 1>a.txt 2>a.txt, both file descriptors are opened independently and have separate cursor positions. (The file gets truncated twice too.) If you write "Hello" to fd #1, its position is advanced to byte 5, but fd #2 remains at byte 0. Printing to fd #2 will just overwrite the data starting from 0.

This is easy to see if the second write is shorter:

$ perl -e 'STDOUT->print("abcdefg\n"); STDOUT->flush; STDERR->print("123");' >a.txt 2>a.txt

$ cat a.txt 

Note that Perl has internal buffering, so in this example an explicit flush() is necessary to ensure that fd #1 data is written before fd #2 data. Otherwise, the streams would be flushed in unpredictable order on exit.

For comparison, if the file descriptors are shared, the writes just follow each other:

$ perl -e 'STDOUT->print("abcdefg\n"); STDOUT->flush; STDERR->print("123");' >a.txt 2>&1

$ cat a.txt 