What is the longest word you can come up with that the letters are all in alphabetical order?

OK, well another Friday, another Perl script. Here’s this week’s:

use warnings;
use strict;
my @alphas;
while (<>) {
    my @words = split /\s+/;
    foreach my $word (@words) {
        $word =~ s/[^A-Za-z]//g;
        next unless $word =~ /^[A-Za-z]{2,}$/;
        $word = uc $word;
        my @letters = split //, $word;
        my $sorted_word = join '', sort @letters;
        if ($sorted_word eq $word) {
            push @{$alphas[length $word]}, $word;

for (1..2) {
    print join "\n", @{pop @alphas};
    print "\n=====\n";


This time I used as the input corpus the AGID word list from Kevin’s Word Lists:

And got this output:


Aegilops (length 8) is a genus of grasses, and so is proper noun and might not count. Billowy (length 7) is definitely a commonly-used, legit word. Dikkops (length 7), also known as Stone-curlews, are a South African bird.

I ALMOST had it.

Code golf and /usr/dict/words:

perl -nle '$x="^".join("*",("a".."z"))."*\$";if(/$x/){print length($_)," ",$_}' /usr/dict/words|sort -nr|head

8 aegilops
7 egilops
7 deglory
7 billowy
7 belloot
7 begorry
7 beefily
7 alloquy
6 knotty
6 knoppy

If you had asked about vowels in order rather than letters, then two good ones would be facetiously and abstemiously.