I strain to read the tabs in the source code editor of Visual Studio 2012. I don't even understand what the different colors mean? They seem totally random. Black on brown or black on blue.... who choose that?

enter image description here

So I would like to turn off the colouring for the tabs and revert to black on white, or a light grey.

I've looked in:

Options>> Environment (General / Font and Colors)

but I cant see anything relevant. So how can I do this please?

Solution 1:

Looks like you might have Productivity Power Tools installed? If so turn off Custom Document Well or look in the Options > Productivity Power Tools > Custom Document Well > Advanced, there is an option to set colour to Visual Studio.

Solution 2:

Or you could set: (In VS2015)

Options > Productivity Power Tools > Custom Document Well > Advanced

Then under Colors and Gradients panel, in the Selected Tab drop down choose VS Colors ,

This allows you to keep colored tabs by project yet highlights the selected tab clearly, win win...

enter image description here

My selected Tab is now bright Blue all the time.