Convert a partition from case-sensitive to case-insensitive

I have installed snow leopard on a macbook ans selected case-sensitive file system when partitioning the disk, presuming that it's a standard thing and I'd rather have this system behaving as close as possible to *nix shell.

Although when trying to install Photoshop CS5 recently I got an error message saying that case-sensitive file system cannot be used for installation. Apparently reason is some issues in Apple installer system, which Adobe developers cannot find their way around.

So it looks like I will have to convert the case-sensitive FS to a case-insensitive one.

Are there any tools capable of doing that? Doesn't have to run under macos, anything will do, really (bootable CDs etc)

iPartition claims to be able to do this (for HFS+, not APFS), although I haven't tried it (and it costs money).

Update: Coriolis Systems has shut down, and made iPartition free (although donations are welcome); see the Museum section here for the software and license key. Personally, I applaud this; it's better for everyone when discontinued software is made free rather than unavailable.

I converted the default case-sensitive HFS+ partition to a case insensitive one after discovering the problem after installing a new MacBook. I assume here that you have enough disk space on your internal hard drive to duplicate the data and system files that you already have installed.

  1. Use Disk Utility to shrink the size of your existing boot partition to just big enough to contain the existing files.
  2. Create a new partition that is only Mac OS (Journaled) and is NOT case sensitive.
  3. Backup the original drive to the new partition. I used SuperDuper! but you can use rsync.
  4. Boot holding down the Command key and select the new partition.
  5. Delete the old partition with Disk Utility and increase the size of the new one.

I don't believe its possible to convert your file system once this is selected. The reason you can't convert is because of the possibility of file name duplicates. All you can do is clone the drive to an external HFS+ that isn't case sensitive and then format your internal drive. And clone it back to the internal.

I would recommend using Carbon Copy Cloner for its ease of use and the fact its free.