Excel not parsing very small floating point numbers from text to value

From a calculation I get results in text form that I want to paste into Excel. Some of the numbers are absolute small, down to the minimum IEEE 754 double value larger zero, 2^-1074, e.g. about 10^-324.

When I paste this into Excel, Excel only parses numbers down to 2^-1022, e.g. about 10^-308, as if it ignored the small mantissa.

The numbers are not significant and could just be parsed to zero, but Excel will instead take them as text, which is extremely inconvenient.

I have two questions:

  • Why doesn't Excel parse the values to a number or zero?
  • Is there a way to mitigate this problem other than prefiltering the small numbers during the export?

Correctly parsed only below the line.

4696.57419374627    1.64825190702534E-317
4610.79539316943    4.5992506248762E-316
4526.58326700779    1.27364779881474E-314
4443.90920132986    3.50034092033703E-313
4362.74510481244    9.54706896850641E-312
4283.0633991957     2.58421411361223E-310
4204.83700991247    6.94201659277496E-309
4128.03935688878    1.85072341656942E-307
4052.64434551232    4.89661672712669E-306
3978.62635776597    1.2857289504059E-304
3905.96024352317    3.35043697803301E-303
3834.62131200233    8.66467350863874E-302
3764.58532337728    2.22383044536139E-300

Solution 1:

Why doesn't Excel parse the values to a number or zero?

Excel doesn’t support a floating point number this small.

For Excel, the maximum number that can be stored is 1.79769313486232E+308 and the minimum positive number that can be stored is 2.2250738585072E-308

Source: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/troubleshoot/excel/floating-point-arithmetic-inaccurate-result