What are Nidhogg's actual controls?

Solution 1:

Here you go, I searched around for the same thing earlier so I thought I'd share. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=216329928#213850

You may change your key configuration by clicking the button at the at the bottom-right of the screen at the Start menu. Alternatively, you may find the button in "How to Play". You may have to move a bit before the button appears.

These controls are actually for two players using the same keyboard. But I'll list what I found most optimal for single player.

Lateral Movement: Left and Right
Duck: Down | S
Jump: G (I recommend changing this to Space)
Roll: Down while moving
Crawl: Move left or right while ducking
Get Up: Left or Right while knocked down
Raise Sabre: Up | W
Lower Sabre: Down | S
Pick Up Sabre: Down | S
Lunge: F
Prepare Sabre for Throwing: Hold Up or W beyond the highest sabre position
Throw Sabre: F while sabre is held aloft
Instantly Throw Sabre: Up and F simultaneously
Dive-Kick: F while in the air
Trip: F while crouched
Punch: F while disarmed
Snap Neck: F while opponent is downed
En Garde Stance: Run left and then hold right, while continuing to hold left. Or vice versa.