Awesome WM Does not Search for Wifi Networks?

When I start Awesome WM, it works fine but it does not start the daemon/application that searches for and connects to wifi networks.

How to make it do that both on startup as well as on demand since I may want it to do so only on demand?

Solution 1:

I presume you want to start something like nm-applet. To do so "on demand", you would type at the command line: nm-applet &.

If you want to autostart it, you can autostart it like any other app in Awesome. In rc.lua add a new line:

awful.util.spawn_with_shell("nm-applet &")

to the section with your autostart apps; if you don't have such a section, just add it at the end.

If you restart Awesome, it'll run nm-applet again, which is annoying. So I actually suggest using:

awful.util.spawn_with_shell("pgrep -u $USER -x nm-applet > /dev/null || (nm-applet &)")

This will ensure nm-applet has exactly one running instance.

Solution 2:

Press the Super and Enter key. Check your network-manager service status by typing this commands:

sudo service network-manager status

If it is up and running, check the available wifi networks:

nmcli con list

To connect:

nmcli con up id (the name of your wifi networks)