Installing Ubuntu with Windows, which is left and right when allocating space?

I'm installing Ubuntu (or Xubuntu/Lubuntu/Kubuntu) alongside Windows 7/XP. I got to the screen that says, "Allocate drive space by dragging the slider below." On the following screen, I'm not sure whether the right side or the left side is for Ubuntu or for Windows. Which side is which?

Screenshot for Ubuntu: (see here for Lubuntu)

enter image description here

Your existing partition (Windows) is on the left, Ubuntu is on the right. That's the standard order when shrinking one partition to create another for dual-booting.

  • For Ubuntu, it's like this:

    enter image description here

  • For Lubuntu, like this:

    enter image description here

Here is the bug report:


It is on the right hand side. Yes, Ubuntu is on the right hand side of the slider. See the below picture.

enter image description here

I wanted to see this by doing a needless actual install, And also wanted to take a screenshot, with Alt key pressing, To my surprise, As soon as I press ALT, It revealed the actual partition of Ubuntu !!

If Windows was installed previously, it will typically be located in the beginning of the partition; meaning it will be the first, left-most part of the bar.

Caution: this might not be your case. A screenshot or diagram of some kind would be helpful.

//After selecting "install along side windows 7" and you enter the easy partitioning press alt to view which side is which. Windows is usally on the left, but after pressing alt it will tell you which side is Ubuntu.