Create Windows 10 Install USB on macOS Catalina
Solution 1:
I had this exact question. I just finished using this tutorial and it worked for me.
For those who do not want to watch the video (although highly recommended).
Download the ISO you want to use. Open the terminal (in /Applications/Utilities).
cd /path/to/iso
to drive in to folder orcd ..
to go back the path.Convert .iso to .img using hdiutil:
hdiutil convert -format UDRW -o /path/to/target.img /path/to/source.iso
Rename if OS X gave it a .dmg file extension:
mv /path/to/target.img.dmg path/to/target.img
Connect USB drive and type
diskutil list
to find the path. -
Unmount USB drive
diskutil unmountDisk (location of Disk)
.diskutil unmountDisk /dev/disk2
Locate img.
In the terminal, type
sudo dd if=(Full location of img file) of=(location of external USB drive) bs=1m
sudo dd if=/Users/adames729/Downloads/windows10.img of=/dev/disk2 bs=1m
Be patient, it will take about 20-45 minutes.
Once complete, eject by running
diskutil eject (location of USB drive)
diskutil eject /dev/disk2
Edit with an additional step needed to make the USB bootable.