How do I make someone an op via a remote client such as PuTTY? [closed]

I want to manage my Minecraft Server via PuTTY, but how would I make someone an OP using the command line?

What is the step-by-step method using PuTTY to make someone an OP on a Minecraft Server?

In order to use PuTTY to manage a Minecraft server you will need the following;

  • A copy of PuTTY
  • A Minecraft server running on a PC or hosted server with an SSH server running on it
  • The user credentials the Minecraft server is running under

Connecting to a server

Once you've got the above. Start PuTTY up and connect to the server by entering the server hostname or IP address into the Host Name (or IP address) box:

enter image description here

Enter the username and password, note that the password won't show anything when you type:

enter image description here

You're now connected to your server.

Adding an op by editing ops.txt

Change to the folder that your Minecraft server is running from if you've logged in with the account running Minecraft, or switch user to the account that is.

Edit the ops.txt file using whichever editor you have available (for example, vi, emacs, nano, etc) and add the player to the file.

Save the file and restart the Minecraft server.