Why can't I get the unique Energy Weapons?

In an earlier question I asked how one could get the unique energy weapons providing one had already completed Heartache By The Number. I was told that if you killed Gloria Van Graff the items should turn up in the Gunrunner's inventory shortly thereafter.

I seem to have run into a problem with that scenario. It has been an unknown, but presumably rather large, amount of in game days since I killed Gloria and her brother... and still no unique energy weapons in the Gunrunner store. You'd think they'd be more cooperative considering I stopped their manufacturing specs from being leaked...

Since killing Gloria didn't work is there any other way to get the unique energy weapons or am I SOL?

Solution 1:

LessPop said:

The Fallout Wiki cites it as a known bug that occasionally the Vendortron's stock won't add the Van Graff weapons. Sadly, the only fix is the dev console.