How to run Visual Studio post-build events for debug build only

Pre- and Post-Build Events run as a batch script. You can do a conditional statement on $(ConfigurationName).

For instance

if $(ConfigurationName) == Debug xcopy something somewhere

FYI, you do not need to use goto. The shell IF command can be used with round brackets:

if $(ConfigurationName) == Debug (
  copy "$(TargetDir)myapp.dll" "c:\delivery\bin" /y
  copy "$(TargetDir)myapp.dll.config" "c:\delivery\bin" /y
) ELSE (
  echo "why, Microsoft, why".

Add your post build event like normal. Then save your project, open it in Notepad (or your favorite editor), and add condition to the PostBuildEvent property group. Here's an example:

<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == 'Debug' ">
    <PostBuildEvent>start gpedit</PostBuildEvent>

Alternatively (since the events are put into a batch file and then called), use the following (in the Build event box, not in a batch file):

if $(ConfigurationName) == Debug goto :debug

signtool.exe ....
xcopy ...

goto :exit

' Debug items in here


This way you can have events for any configuration, and still manage it with the macros rather than having to pass them into a batch file, remember that %1 is $(OutputPath), etc.