Take Complete Image of CRM Server Application

I have heard of snapshots or ghost images like this. But I have never used this kind of tool to actually clone a piece of hard drive. I think Norton Partition Magic can do something like this as well, but haven't tried it.

So my question is this:

How can I duplicate a CRM server application exactly so that I can transfer it to another system? I have a CRM server running LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) and I urgently need to transfer these data to another system without actually installing, configuring the dependencies and then doing the same for the software itself.

Has anyone done this or does anyone know how to do this?

EDIT - I need the tools to be free by the way. I didn't clarify and the example I used may have been unclear.

The easiest thing you can do is use Vmware Converter and virtualise the server.

Linux has a lot less ties to its hardware compared to Windows, but even still, VMware Converter takes out all the hard work.

On your new (blank) machine, install ESXi Server and copy the files that converter made over to it.

Once your server has been virtualised, it becomes a lot more portable and in the future, upgrading becomes as simple as pausing, copying a few files then resuming. (If you are willing to pay a few thousand, it becomes as simple as a few clicks and you will even have 0 downtime!).

If you do not want to, or can not use ESXi, then Microsoft have Hyper-V Server for free - I am liking this more and more, however, the conversion tools are not as mature (yet, but they are catching up fast!).

I found this solution. It worked great for what I needed. It is a straight disc copy app but it is very simple to use. I would have used vmware's tools but the ESXi needs a 64-bit server, and this won't work for me. The vmware Converter worked great on the host machine, and the vmware packages are very powerful, but somewhat restricted.

Perhaps I will look into vmare when I'm loading images to 64-bit servers.