Get 2 Digit Number For The Month

Solution 1:



will do the job with two digit.

Solution 2:

there are different ways of doing it

  • Using RTRIM and specifing the range:


SELECT RIGHT('0' + RTRIM(MONTH('12-31-2012')), 2); 
  • Using Substring to just extract the month part after converting the date into text


SELECT SUBSTRING(CONVERT(nvarchar(6),getdate(), 112),5,2)

see Fiddle

There may be other ways to get this.

Solution 3:

Pinal Dave has a nice article with some examples on how to add trailing 0s to SQL numbers.

One way is using the RIGHT function, which would make the statement something like the following:

SELECT RIGHT('00' + CAST(DATEPART(mm, @date) AS varchar(2)), 2)