What is binary compatibility in Java?

Solution 1:

In short, binary compatibility means that when you change your class, you do not need to recompile classes that use it. For example, you removed or renamed a public or protected method from this class

public class Logger implements Constants {
   public Logger getLogger(String name) {
         return LogManager.getLogger(name);

from your log-1.jar library and released a new version as log-2.jar. When users of your log-1.jar download the new version it will break their apps when they will try to use the missing getLogger(String name) method.

And if you remove Constants interface (Item 17) this will break binary compatibility either, due to the same reason.

But you can remove / rename a private or package private member of this class without breaking the binary compatibility, because external apps cannot (or should not) use it.

Solution 2:

To better understand the concept, it is interesting to see that binary compatibility does NOT imply API compatibility, nor vice versa.

API compatible but NOT binary compatible: static removal

Version 1 of library:

public class Lib {
    public static final int i = 1;

Client code:

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        if ((new Lib()).i != 1) throw null;

Compile client code with version 1:

javac Main.java

Replace version 1 with version 2: remove static:

public class Lib {
    public final int i = 1;

Recompile just version 2, not the client code, and run java Main:

javac Lib.java
java Main

We get:

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Expected static field Lib.i
        at Main.main(Main.java:3)

This happens because even though we can write (new Lib()).i in Java for both static and member methods, it compiles to two different VM instructions depending on Lib: getstatic or getfield. This break is mentioned at JLS 7 13.4.10:

If a field that is not declared private was not declared static and is changed to be declared static, or vice versa, then a linkage error, specifically an IncompatibleClassChangeError, will result if the field is used by a pre-existing binary which expected a field of the other kind.

We would need to recompile Main with javac Main.java for it to work with the new version.


  • calling static members from class instances like (new Lib()).i is bad style, raises a warning, and should never be done
  • this example is contrived because non-static final primitives are useless: always use static final for primitives: private final static attribute vs private final attribute
  • reflection could be used to see the difference. But reflection can also see private fields, which obviously leads to breaks which were not supposed to count as breaks, so it does not count.

Binary compatible but NOT API compatible: null pre-condition strengthening

Version 1:

public class Lib {
    /** o can be null */
    public static void method(Object o) {
        if (o != null) o.hashCode();

Version 2:

public class Lib {
    /** o cannot be null */
    public static void method(Object o) {


public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

This time, even if recompile Main after updating Lib, the second invocation will throw, but not the first.

This is because we changed the contract of method in a way that is not checkable at compile time by Java: before it could take null, after not anymore.


  • the Eclipse wiki is a great source for this: https://wiki.eclipse.org/Evolving_Java-based_APIs
  • making APIs that accept null values is a questionable practice
  • it is much easier to make a change that breaks API compatibility but not binary than vice versa, since it is easy to change the internal logic of methods

C binary compatibility example

What is an application binary interface (ABI)?

Solution 3:

Binary compatibility

Java binary compatibility prescribes conditions under which modication and re-compilation of classes does not necessitate re-compilation of further classes import- ing the modied classes. Binary compatibility is a novel concept for language design.

The Java language specication [7] describes binary com- patible changes as follows:

A change to a type is binary compatible with (equivalently, does not break compatibility with) pre-existing binaries if pre-existing binaries that previously linked without error will con- tinue to link without error.