Is there a desktop weather app?

Here are some variants you may like:

First Way: city lens

![this is that "weather lens"][1]
to install type this in terminal(to start Ctrl+Alt+T)
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:scopes-packagers/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install unity-lens-utilities unity-scope-cities

Second Way: weather indicator

--- ![weather applet indicator][4] --- to install weather applet indicator write in terminal(to start Ctrl+Alt+T)
sudo apt-get install indicator-weather

or click this button

Third Way: My Weather Indicator

--- ![My weather indicator][7] --- to install my weather indicator type in terminal(to start Ctrl+Alt+T):
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:atareao/atareao
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install my-weather-indicator

Fourth Way: Stormcloud



Paid Application ($2.99), available at developers' website

For gnome shell users

--- Here we have one amazing extension for gnome shell called **Weather** or something like that. Here is screenshot:


So to install this just move on here and click that switch-i like thing on the right to turn it on, and it will ask you do you want to install it. Just say yes. Add your cities and you have another awesome weather app for gnome!

Alternative Way: HTC-style Weather Clock

--- ![HTC-style coool weather clock][12] --- for this just read from [here](

Note: The software in this answer does not work anymore due to Yahoo Weather API changes.

There's a fork of Stormcloud for those who don't want to pay.

Typhoon is a free and open source weather application. It is based on Stormcloud 1.1 ,however without the bells and whistles. It is and always will be free. We have not included features like multiple locations due to no one can live in more than one places in a specific time(except electrons!). If you want to check the weather of any other location, you have to change the location. Also, we have not included 'chameleonic background' as it would make the app resource hungry. It is now a couple of mbs but 'chameleonic background' would make it around 300 mb.

To install Typhoon, start terminal by Ctrl+Alt+t, then run the following commands one by one:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:apandada1/typhoon
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install typhoon


Homepage & Installation:

Here is a one-liner that is run from the command line. Open up a terminal(Ctrl+Alt+t) and enter the following command:

curl -s<your location>

This makes a call to the website based on your specified location. The default settings provides the current weather along with a three day forecast. In my case, I use the following command:

curl -s

This results in the following output:


Generally, I do not need an entire three day forecast, and I also wanted the current date and time displayed, so I wrapped this in a tiny shell script, called

curl -s | head -7

This gives me the following output to the console:

Tue Aug 30 23:39:31 PDT 2016
Weather for City: Bothell, United States of America
 \   /     Clear 
  .-.      62 °F          
―(   ) ―   ↖ 8 mph        
  `-’      9 mi           
 /   \     0.0 in 

If you are interested in the back-end code, it can be found at I found the original command on commandlinefu.