Passing a list of kwargs?

Can I pass a list of kwargs to a method for brevity? This is what i'm attempting to do:

def method(**kwargs):
    #do something

keywords = (keyword1 = 'foo', keyword2 = 'bar')

Yes. You do it like this:

def method(**kwargs):
  print kwargs

keywords = {'keyword1': 'foo', 'keyword2': 'bar'}
method(keyword1='foo', keyword2='bar')

Running this in Python confirms these produce identical results:

{'keyword2': 'bar', 'keyword1': 'foo'}
{'keyword2': 'bar', 'keyword1': 'foo'}

As others have pointed out, you can do what you want by passing a dict. There are various ways to construct a dict. One that preserves the keyword=value style you attempted is to use the dict built-in:

keywords = dict(keyword1 = 'foo', keyword2 = 'bar')

Note the versatility of dict; all of these produce the same result:

>>> kw1 = dict(keyword1 = 'foo', keyword2 = 'bar')
>>> kw2 = dict({'keyword1':'foo', 'keyword2':'bar'})
>>> kw3 = dict([['keyword1', 'foo'], ['keyword2', 'bar']])
>>> kw4 = dict(zip(('keyword1', 'keyword2'), ('foo', 'bar')))
>>> assert kw1 == kw2 == kw3 == kw4