Is there any software that can let me burn-in test a new harddisk before i put my data on it?

I bought a new 1.5TB Samsung HDD, and since I heard that all the high capacity drives are very unreliable these days, I wanted to do some kind of burn-in test so that if there is a problem with the drive I can see it sooner then after I put my data on the drive.

Any suggestions? Thanks.

Solution 1:

Running badblocks -w followed by smartctl -t long will find any defects it came with from the factory.

Solution 2:

I'm not sure where you heard that high capacity drives are unreliable, I have not experienced this. My computer has a 1TB western digital drive and it works well. If you want reliability, use a RAID other than RAID-0.

I think what your looking for is something like SpinRite.