Take a screenshot of an entire webpage in Opera

Solution 1:

I purchased ashampoo Snap 3 for this very reason.

After purchasing I did become aware of the following:

  • ScreenGrab addon for Firefox
  • WebShot
  • Pearl Crescent Page Saver (Firefox Addon)
  • https://stackoverflow.com/questions/125951/command-line-program-to-create-website-screenshots-on-linux
  • https://stackoverflow.com/questions/968201/convert-web-page-to-image

There maybe more out there that are paid and/or free but this small list should get you started. I am sorry none of these integrate with Opera like you require but you may have to just adjust your workflow for what you require.

Update: I jumped to a conclusion about you O/S and for that I am sorry! List updated with more specific to your needs and O/S

Solution 2:

Edit: There is now an extension that allows taking a screenshot of an entire webpage in Opera: Screenshoter (requires Opera 12.10+).

With the current stable build, there is no function or extension API that allows this. But there are now Opera developmental builds which contain a screenshot API, so we may see a screenshot extension or native function for Opera in the near future:

  • Desktop build with new extension APIs: Screenshot Resource Loader and URL Filter
  • Screenshot API
  • Attention developers: Screenshot APIs and an updated URL Filter API are ready for testing