Visual Studio Rebuilds unmodified projects

So, as the title reads, I have a VS2010 solution with ~50 projects in it right now. If I make a change to a "top level" project that nothing references then VS still rebuilds all 50 projects. I'm running Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate without any add-ons. I am using ILMerge to consolidate all of the projects into a single file.

I have verified this by checking the time stamps of the lower level dlls and see that they are indeed rebuilt even though their code wasn't touched.

I've read all responses and comments for:

Visual Studio 2008 keeps rebuilding

Visual studio keeps building everything

Strange VS2010 build glitch occurs in my solution

Reasons for C# projects to rebuild in Visual Studio

But most of them just offer suggestions on unloading projects to speed up build times but nothing concrete as to a fix. I'm trying to figure out why VS thinks these dependent projects need to be rebuilt when they don't and fix it.

I've turned on 'Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > Build and Run > Only build startup projects and dependencies on run' but with no effect.

Also, if I just rebuild a "mid-level" project that only has 8 (in)direct dependencies then it still builds all 8 projects even though ILMerge isn't invoked and none of the dependent projects have been modified.

Thank you everyone for any insight you may be able to provide.


To test some of the suggestions I created a new WinForms project from scratch. I then created two new projects inside that solution. I copied all of the code and resources (not project file) from my two 'lowest level' projects into the two brand new projects (I did this by dropping the files and folders from Explorer onto the project in Visual Studio).

The lowest project, let's call it B, did not reference any other project. The next project, A, referenced B only. So once I added the required .NET and external assembly references to the projects then the solution would build.

I then had my new WinForm project reference A and did a full build. So the ref chain is:

WinForm -> A -> B

I then modified WinForm only and did a standard build (F6). As before, Visual Studio rebuilt all three projects.

After some systematic eleminiation of source files in project B I found that if I removed my Resources.Designer.cs and Resources.resx (and commented out the code that made use of the .Properties.Resources object of those resources) then a modification of WinForm would no longer rebuild the entire solution and would only rebuild WinForm.

Adding the Resources.resx and Resources.Designer.cs back to project B (but leaving the referenced code commented out so that nothing was making use of the resources) would re-introduce the full build behavior.

To see if perhaps my resource files were corrupted, I deleted them again and then created a new one (via Project Properties -> Resources) and re-added the same resource as before, which was a single Excel file. With this setup the full rebuild would still occur.

I then removed the single resource, but left the resource file in project B. Even with no resources added, but the resource file still in the project, the full (unneeded) rebuild would occur.

It appears that just having a resource file added to a (.NET 3.5) project will cause Visual Studio 2010 to always rebuild that project. Is this a bug or intended/expected behavior?

Thanks all again!

Solution 1:

Open Tools - Options, select Projects and Solutions - Build and Run in tree, then set "MSBuild project build output verbosity" to Diagnostic. This will output the reason for building a project, i.e.

Project 'ReferencedProject' is not up to date. Project item 'c:\some.xml' has 'Copy to Output Directory' attribute set to 'Copy always'.


Project 'MyProject' is not up to date. Input file 'c:\ReferencedProject.dll' is modified after output file 'c:\MyProject.pdb'.

In this case the fix is to copy some.xml only if newer.

Pre and post build events can trigger build as well.

Solution 2:

While I don't think this is a fix, it is a workaround that has worked for my situation...

I originally had about 5 projects out of 50 that contained a Resources section. These projects would always be rebuilt and thus anything that they depended on would also be rebuilt. One of those 5 projects was a "base" level library that 48 of the other projects referenced, thus 96% of my project would be rebuilt every time even if it didn't need it.

My workaround was to use dependency injection, interfaces, and a dedicated "Resources" project. Instead of having those 5 projects reference their own Resources object, I created an interface in each project that would supply the desired resources. Then, the classes that needed those resources would require that interface be passed in during their creation in the constructor (constructor injection).

I then created a separate "Resources" project that had an actual Resources section like normal. This project only contained the resources themselves, and a class for each interface that was needed to provide those resources via an interface. This project would reference every other project that had a resource dependency and implement the interface that the project needed.

Finally, in my "Top Level" project which nothing referenced (and where the exe was actually built and my composition root lives) I referenced the "Resources" project, wired up the DI, and away we went.

This means that only two projects (the "Resources" and the "Top Level") will be rebuilt every time, and if I do a partial build (Shift-F6) then they won't get rebuilt at all.

Again, not a great work around, but with 48 projects being built every time a build would take about 3 minutes, so I was losing 30 to 90 minutes a day with needless rebuilds. It took awhile to refactor, but I think it was a good investment.

Here is a simplified diagram. Note that the dependencies from Main.exe to Proj1 and Proj2 are not shown in order to reduce clutter.

Diagram of solution

With this design, I can do a build of Proj1 or Proj2 without triggering a full rebuild, since they don't have any dependencies on a Resources section. Only Main knows about the Resources implementation.

Solution 3:

This happens when a project has a file that doesn't really exist.
The project can't determine if the file was changed (because it's not there) so it rebuilds.

Simply look at all the files in the project, and search for the one that doesn't have an expandable arrow near it.