How to share the same Resharper settings between multiple solutions, with no manual intervention?

Solution 1:

Resharper supports option layering.

You would use it like this:

  1. Have one DotSettings file with all your settings in it.
  2. For each solution perform these steps:
    1. ReSharper -> Manage Options
    2. Right-click "Solution 'Your Solution' team-shared"
    3. Select Add Layer -> Open Settings File
    4. Choose the central DotSettings file

This would create a DotSettings file for each solution. You need to check these into TFS along with the central DotSettings file.
Important: The DotSettings file of the solutions only contain a link to the central one, they don't replicate the settings.

Solution 2:

The question is old, but if someone is still looking for the way to share team settings:

All the settings for R# can be exported and packed as a NuGet package and distributed as a regular ReSharper extension.

This gives you a flexibility: you can share different settings for different teams, ReSharper will take care of detecting the new version and notifying the developer. Well, basically all the benefits that you can get when using the NuGet.

Solution 3:

In Resharper 2015

Go to Resharper -> Options -> Manage(pic 1) -> Options -> Import and Export(pic 2) -> from file....

enter image description here

enter image description here

And if you what to import it for your team you can to Solution settings then instead of Import and Export in Options go to Copy Settings to -> team-shared.

enter image description here

Hope this saves you some time.