Cutting a unit square into smaller squares

My algebra professor gave me this puzzle a while back. I'm pretty sure I've found the right solution; nonetheless, I wanted to share it and see if you come up with anything really nice or unexpected.

Prove that if you take a unit square and cut it into a finite number of smaller squares (in any way you can think of), the side lengths of the smaller squares are all rational.

P.S. The first tag was my professor's hint.

[Edit] Just to be clear, every piece must actually be a square (e.g. no gluing two triangles into a square).

This theorem was proved by Max Dehn in early 20th century.

Suppose there is some square whose side $s$ is not rational. Pick some $\mathbb{Q}$-homomorphism $h$ such that $h(1) = 0$ and $h(s) = 1$. Define the area $\sigma(R)$ of a rectangle $R$ with sides $a,b$ by $h(a)h(b)$. We show below that if a rectangle $R$ is partitioned into rectangles $R_i$ then $$\sigma(R) = \sum \sigma(R_i).$$ Take $R$ to be the unit square, and $R_i$ the squares into which it is partitioned. If $R_i$ has side $s_i$ then we get $$0 = h(1)^2 = \sigma(R) = \sum \sigma(R_i) = \sum h(s_i)^2 \geq h(s)^2 = 1.$$ This contradiction shows that all sides must be rational.

It remains to show that $\sigma$ is additive. Extend all sides in the partition of $R$ to get a grid $G_j$. From additivity of $h$ we easily get $$\sigma(R) = \sum\sigma(G_j) = \sum\sigma(R_i).$$

Using very similar methods, you can show the following slightly stronger theorem: Suppose that a rectangle is partitioned into squares. Then all edge lengths are rationally related.

Indeed, if the outside rectangle had sides $a,b$ not rationally dependent then we could pick a homomorphism $h$ such that $h(a)=1,h(b)=-1$, and then get that $-1$ is a sum of squares. Wlog, $a,b$ are both rational, and the previous proof completes the argument.

I believe there is also a proof by associating the tiling with an electric network!

This is a section in the book "Modern Graph Theory" by Béla Bollobás.

It is titled "Squaring the Square" and is numbered section II.2. See this:

A snapshot of the page which talks about Dehn's theorem and it's proof (also found here:

alt text

Note, even though the section starts off talking about the tiling squares being of distinct lengths, the proof of Dehn's theorem (and the problem you seek) is essentially there.