How to implement cookie support in ruby net/http?

I'd like to add cookie support to a ruby class utilizing net/http to browse the web. Cookies have to be stored in a file to survive after the script has ended. Of course I can read the specs and write some kind of a handler, use some cookie.txt format and so on, but it seems to mean reinventing the wheel. Is there a better way to accomplish this task? Maybe some kind of a cooie jar class to take care of cookies?

Solution 1:

The accepted answer will not work if your server returns and expects multiple cookies. This could happen, for example, if the server returns a set of FedAuth[n] cookies. If this affects you, you might want to look into using something along the lines of the following instead:

http ='', 443)
http.use_ssl = true
path1 = '/index.html'
path2 = '/index2.html'

# make a request to get the server's cookies
response = http.get(path)
if (response.code == '200')
    all_cookies = response.get_fields('set-cookie')
    cookies_array =
    all_cookies.each { | cookie |
        cookies_array.push(cookie.split('; ')[0])
    cookies = cookies_array.join('; ')

    # now make a request using the cookies
    response = http.get(path2, { 'Cookie' => cookies })

Solution 2:

Taken from DZone Snippets

http ='', 443)
http.use_ssl = true
path = '/login.html'

# GET request -> so the host can set his cookies
resp, data = http.get(path, nil)
cookie = resp.response['set-cookie'].split('; ')[0]

# POST request -> logging in
data = ''
headers = {
  'Cookie' => cookie,
  'Referer' => '',
  'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

resp, data =, data, headers)

# Output on the screen -> we should get either a 302 redirect (after a successful login) or an error page
puts 'Code = ' + resp.code
puts 'Message = ' + resp.message
resp.each {|key, val| puts key + ' = ' + val}
puts data


#To save the cookies, you can use PStore
cookies ="cookies.pstore")

# Save the cookie  
cookies.transaction do
  cookies[:some_identifier] = cookie

# Retrieve the cookie back
cookies.transaction do
  cookie = cookies[:some_identifier] 

Solution 3:

The accepted answer does not work. You need to access the internal representation of the response header where the multiple set-cookie values are stores separately and then remove everything after the first semicolon from these string and join them together. Here is code that works

r = http.get(path)
cookie = {'Cookie'=>r.to_hash['set-cookie'].collect{|ea|ea[/^.*?;/]}.join}
r = http.get(next_path,cookie)