Detect Document Height Change

Update (Oct 2020):

resizeObserver is a wonderful API (support table)

// create an Observer instance
const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(entries => 
  console.log('Body height changed:', entries[0].target.clientHeight)

// start observing a DOM node

// click anywhere to rnadomize height
window.addEventListener('click', () => = Math.floor((Math.random() * 5000) + 1) + 'px'
click anywhere to change the height

Old answer:

Although a "hack", this simple function continuously "listens" (through setTimeout) to changes in an element's height and fire a callback when a change was detected.

It's important to take into account an element's height might change regardless of any action taken by a user (resize, click, etc.) and so, since it is impossible to know what can cause a height change, all that can be done to absolutely guarantee 100% detection is to place an interval height checker :

function onElementHeightChange(elm, callback) {
  var lastHeight = elm.clientHeight, newHeight;

  (function run() {
    newHeight = elm.clientHeight;
    if (lastHeight != newHeight)
    lastHeight = newHeight

    if (elm.onElementHeightChangeTimer)

    elm.onElementHeightChangeTimer = setTimeout(run, 200)

// to clear the timer use:
// clearTimeout(document.body.onElementHeightChangeTimer);

// DEMO:
document.write("click anywhere to change the height")

onElementHeightChange(document.body, function(h) {
  console.log('Body height changed:', h)

window.addEventListener('click', function() { = Math.floor((Math.random() * 5000) + 1) + 'px'

You can use an absolute positioned iframe with zero width inside the element you want to monitor for height changes, and listen to resize events on its contentWindow. For example:


  Your content...
  <iframe class="height-change-listener" tabindex="-1"></iframe>


body {
  position: relative;
.height-change-listener {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  bottom: 0;
  left: 0;
  height: 100%;
  width: 0;
  border: 0;
  background-color: transparent;

JavaScript (using jQuery but could be adapted to pure JS)

$('.height-change-listener').each(function() {
  $(this.contentWindow).resize(function() {
    // Do something more useful
    console.log('doc height is ' + $(document).height());

If for whatever reason you have height:100% set on body you'll need find (or add) another container element to implement this on. If you want to add the iframe dynamically you'll probably need to use the <iframe>.load event to attach the contentWindow.resize listener. If you want this to work in IE7 as well as browsers, you'll need to add the *zoom:1 hack to the container element and also listen to the 'proprietary' resize event on the <iframe> element itself (which will duplicate contentWindow.resize in IE8-10).

Here's a fiddle...

Just my two cents. If by any chance you're using angular then this would do the job:

 return document.height();
},function onHeightChange(newValue, oldValue){

Update: 2020

There is now a way to accomplish this using the new ResizeObserver. This allows you to listen to a whole list of elements for when their element changes size. The basic usage is fairly simple:

const observer = new ResizeObserver(entries => {
  for (const entry of entries) {
    // each entry is an instance of ResizeObserverEntry

The one downside is that currently there is only support for Chrome/Firefox, but you can find some solid polyfills out there. Here's a codepen example I wrote up: