Correct English Grammar [closed]

Solution 1:

The only things that are actually 'incorrect', are that 'awaken', should read 'awoken'( the past participle); and 'for a meeting' should be 'to a meeting'.

However even with those corrections the message is still a little quaintly expressed, in the words of a non-native speaker. I don't think, for example I would use the verb 'awoken', as it slightly suggests the reader may have been half asleep! I would also take out the 'consider' as it is not really necessary. Moreover I would not offer to 'explain' myself to a potential interviewer, as the word carries the unfortunate nuance that one is complicated and needs explanation. If you wish to appear as a native speaker, and to create a good impression, I would write.

'I hope my application has interested you, and I look forward to a meeting in which I can describe myself more fully.'