Linux/SSH command to delete every filepath found in file

I have a file full of filepaths relative to its own path:

./Talent/152/Resume/a file name.pdf
./Talent/153/Resume/some file name.pdf
./Talent/154/Resume/yet another file name.pdf
... and so on ...

What would be the appropriate shell command to go through each line in this file and remove it?

xargs -d '\n' rm < listoffiles.txt

xargs -I{} --arg-file=file rm "{}"


xargs -I{} -a file rm "{}"

The quotes protect filenames with spaces.

If you are in a Bash shell you can do :

find ./Talent/*/Resume/* -exec rm {} \;

or if you want to delete the files older than 7 day you can add -mtime param like this :

find ./Talent/*/Resume/* -mtime +7 -exec rm {} \;