How to get public directory?

I am a beginner here so pardon me for this question am using return File::put($path , $data); to create a file in public folder on Laravel. I used this piece of code from controller I need to know the value of $path how should it be.

Use public_path()

For reference:

// Path to the project's root folder    
echo base_path();

// Path to the 'app' folder    
echo app_path();        

// Path to the 'public' folder    
echo public_path();

// Path to the 'storage' folder    
echo storage_path();

// Path to the 'storage/app' folder    
echo storage_path('app');

You can use base_path() to get the base of your application - and then just add your public folder to that:

$path = base_path().'/public';
return File::put($path , $data)

Note: Be very careful about allowing people to upload files into your root of public_html. If they upload their own index.php file, they will take over your site.

I know this is a little late, but if someone else comes across this looking, you can now use public_path(); in Laravel 4, it has been added to the helper.php file in the support folder see here.

The best way to retrieve your public folder path from your Laravel config is the function:

$myPublicFolder = public_path();
$savePath = $mypublicPath."enter_path_to_save";
$path = $savePath."filename.ext";
return File::put($path , $data);

There is no need to have all the variables, but this is just for a demonstrative purpose.

Hope this helps, GRnGC