Suppressing GPG signing for Maven-based continuous integration builds (Travis CI)

Disable GPG signing by adding the following line to your .travis.yml file:

install: mvn install -DskipTests -Dgpg.skip


You need to create a profile & make sure you run that only when you do the release build.

Remove the current plugin, and add it in a profile like this:


And then when you actually need to do a release, add the property to your mvn command:

mvn -DperformRelease=true ...

I found a slightly simpler way to do it with the profile as described above. Instead of using a new property value, you can use the gpg.passphrase property which will need to be provided anyway when doing signing. The modified property section is as follows:


Notice, that no value is required since you want this profile to activate if any value is set for that property.

The corresponding command line then looks like this:

mvn <command> -Dgpg.passphrase=myverysupersecretpassphrase

You can test this out by running it the following two ways:

mvn install

No signed artifacts get generated, and:

mvn install -Dgpg.passphrase=myverysupersecretpassphrase

Signed artifacts get created.

To do the actual signed release of the artifacts do the following:

mvn release:perform -Darguments=-Dgpg.passphrase=myverysupersecretpassphrase

The indirection is needed for the release action because it doesn't propagate the command line arguments directly to the spawned process (see