Missing Push Notification Entitlement

Solution 1:

Yes, that's the cause of the App Store rejection. If your ad-hoc provisioning profile has the aps-environment key, it means your app is configured correctly in the Apple Provisioning Portal. All you need to do is delete the App Store distribution profile on your local machine, then re-download and install the distribution profile from the Provisioning Portal. This new one should contain the aps-environment key.

Solution 2:

First App ID

make sure your ID push notification enable in production side

as appear in picture

enter image description here

Second Certificate

from production section create two certificate with your id (push notification enabled)

App Store and Ad Hoc certificate

Apple Push Notification service SSL (Sandbox) certificate

enter image description here

Third Provisioning Profiles

From Distribution section create App Store profile with your id


while you upload your bin , you must check what provisioning profile used and have many entitlements

enter image description here

this all cases cause this problem hope this be helpful with you

Solution 3:

In XCode 8 you need to enable push in the Capabilities tab on your target, on top of enabling everything on the provisions and certificates: Xcode 8 "the aps-environment entitlement is missing from the app's signature" on submit

My blog post about this here.

Solution 4:

I got this message for a different reason -- I submitted an app via Xcode without first creating an App Store Distribution Profile specifically for the app. I believe Xcode automatically uses a wildcard App Store profile if you have one installed. But an app uses Push Notifications requires its own profile.

The fix is to create a new App Store Distribution profile for the app. Then you download it, drag it onto Xcode, and modify your project Build Settings > Code Signing > Release to use the new profile.