Manually Downloading and Installing Packages in R
You can install the package manually using the following command
install.packages('', lib='destination_directory',repos = NULL)
See the help of ?install.packages
, for further description
this the better way, if we want to download and install locally :
for example :
I also went through the same problem while installing caret package, There are many dependencies of caret package. So ,I did the following
install.packages('caret') This gives all packages in zip format the location of download is shown in the error message. Unzip all packages from download source to a location for example in 'C:/PublicData/RawRPackages' , then run following command.
install.packages(paste(foldername , 'caret',sep='/'), repos = NULL, type="source")
library(caret, lib.loc=foldername)