Spiceworks versus Request Tracker? [closed]

Spiceworks works really well until it doesn't. As long as you're aware of its performance limitations, you'll be fine with it.

My organization is currently trying to roll out Spiceworks in a 1000+ user environment. We've been met with significant performance limitations because it can't utilize more than two cores, relies on a slow SQLite backend, and consumes high amounts of disk I/O. Their support is a bumbling nightmare when it comes to troubleshooting these, and so far their only solution has been for us to move our installation from a virtual server on our production VMware cluster with a robust FC SAN backend to a physical machine with slipshod consumer-level SSDs. Predictably, performance is worse in their recommended configuration than the one we were already using.

Feature-wise, though, it's a great product and totally worth using. It's very easy to customize and has a very robust third-party developer ecosystem. In its current state, though, it's just not fit for large environments at all.