Vim: insert empty line above current line (not open, i.e. without entering Insert mode)
is there a way of inserting a new line above the current, without opening the line (so without entering Insert mode)? That is, like "O", but without opening.
I use Tim Pope's plugin unimpared which has a command specifically for this purpose:
And if you want to add a space after the line you are on:
The definition of your request is O
Logically when inserting a new line above would be O
To insert before the curser: i
After: a
Before the line (home): I
Append at the end of line: A
The closest I think you'll come is I
which will put the cursor at the beginning of the line.
:h append()
It won't move the cursor, it will let you insert as many lines (empty or not) as you wish, and it won't modify the previous position mark.
call append(line('.')-1, '')
You can map whatever key or key sequence you like to
this inserts a blank line above the current one keeping you in normal mode and without changing cursor position.
:nmap <CR>_i<CR><ESC>