Is there a way to open google drive files with your installed programs?

Solution 1:

There are many applications for doing that, although most are commercial.

Here are some free options:

  • The article How to Add or Remove Google Drive in Navigation Pane of File Explorer in Windows 10 contains a .reg and a .bat files that do just that.

  • Boxcryptor for Individuals has limited free accounts and supports encrypted Google Drive storage.

  • RaiDrive has a limited free account.

  • rclone mount is a Linux-oriented product mounts Google Drive as a FUSE file-system and so requires on Windows also installing WinFsp. Using it for Google Drive is described in here.

  • DokanCloudFS is an open-source Github project that is said to be somewhat slow.

For commercial products there is a large choice. Here is a list in no particular order:
ExpanDrive, NetDrive, WebDrive, Visual Subst, StableBit CloudDrive, CloudMounter, Mountain Duck, CloudMounter.