Macbook retina 2012: CPU temperature too high

I'm using Macbook Pro Retina Mid 2012 with CPU core i7 2.7 Ghz. I see that my computer is too hot as I think for a mac. The keyboard is hot,too.

I'm using iStat software to get detail of my mac. Here is my detail:

enter image description here

As you see, four cores are in high temperature. But as I see in Activity Monitor, they're just work at about 5% and 95% is idle. I don't know why the heating is too high. are there any problems with my mac. If not, does this problem from software ? How can I fix this. I think 2000-2200rpm is slow for this temperature. Should I increase fan's speed. Thanks :)

Thanks :)

Solution 1:

There are two likely issues afoot here:

  1. Your System Management Controller has gotten some corruption.
  2. You're seeing potential hardware-/sensor failures.

To reset your SMC, follow these instructions:

If that doesn't solve the problem, I'd run Apple Diagnostics and see whether it picks up on any hardware problems. If it does, the system should be taken to Apple or an Apple-authorized repair centre for further testing and repair.

Solution 2:

For anyone finding this thread (as I did) long after its initial post, I’d like to add something:

As a fellow MBP Retina mid-2020 i7 owner (2.8 GHz, though), I HIGHLY recommend a fan controller such as smcFanControl -- especially since in the case the OP’s fans are running at only HALF of their maximum speed despite the high temps.

I bought this mid-2012 because my last one died after temperature issues, and now when I see my temp creeping up to 50°C or more I crank the fans up to 5000+ RPM and see the temperature drop at least 10° even while rendering video.