How to create third partition on a Mac with Mavericks and Bootcamp? [duplicate]

Right now I am running OS X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) on my MacBook Pro, with Windows 7 via Boot Camp, and I also have a third FAT32 partition where I share data between Mac/Windows.

I am going to upgrade to Mavericks. I Googled and it seems Mavericks is not going to be happy with letting me create the third FAT32 partition.

Did anyone create a third partition with Mavericks before? What are the steps?

(I have backed up all my data from both OS X and Windows, and I am going to format whole hard disk, and fresh install snow leopard, then update to Mavericks).

Solution 1:

The process for creating an extra partition in Mavericks hasn't changed much since Snow Leopard, so you should be able to create a partition using Disk Utility the same way you did in Snow Leopard.

Solution 2:

Wait, before you do that, you can do this in an easier fashion.

Just shrink the Mac partition via Disk Utility and format the new free space as FAT32.