Show all pictures recursively (include any subfolders)

Does anyone know an app that allows to get an overview about all pictures of a folder, including all subfolders?

I would like to browse through my filesystem and then have an overview of all pictures of the current folder, like Adobe Bridge (on a Mac).

Solution 1:

Not an application but an useful tool to recursively show the pictures of a folder and a subfolder:

feh --recursive --auto-zoom --geometry 1600x1000 ~/Pictures

It can also generate an image with the thumbnails:

feh -r -i ~/Pictures -O index.png

It is not exactly what you (and I) were looking for, but it is the only option I have found in Linux at the moment to recursively explore the images of a directory.

Solution 2:

Shotwell Photo Manager


Shotwell is a digital photo organizer designed for the GNOME desktop environment. It allows you to import photos from disk or camera, organize them in various ways, view them in full-window or fullscreen mode, and export them to share with others.

Install via the software center

It is installed by default. Import your main folder (and all sub folders automatically) via FileImport from Folder. I also suggest to check "Watch library directory for new files" in EditPreferencesLibrary.


Solution 3:

Nomacs goes in this direction, but is not exactly what you asked.

I had the very same question for a long time now since the best organization of pictures is a tree directory, not a set of tags in database you risk to loose whenever you reinstall your linux.

Nomacs has an option in File menu called "Scan folder recursive" that enables jumping from a subfolder to another, in view mode, in slideshow mode or whatever. It doesn't show all the thumbnails in a same place though.

In panels menu, "Thumbnail preview" allows you to view very quickly your folder contents. It just needs a browsing option that shows folders next to another in a timeline fashion. Let's make a feature request, the devs are quite responsive :)