NotifyIcon remains in Tray even after application closing but disappears on Mouse Hover

There are many questions on SO asking same doubt. Solution for this is to set

notifyIcon.icon = null and calling Dispose for it in FormClosing event.

In my application, there is no such form but has Notification icon which updates on Events. On creation, I hide my form and make ShowInTaskbar property false. Hence I can not have a "FormClosing" or "FormClosed" events.

If this application gets event to exit, It calls Process.GetCurrentProcess().Kill(); to exit.

I have added notifyIcon.icon = null as well as Dispose before killing, but still icon remains taskbar until I hover mouse over it.

EDIT: If I assume that this behaviour is due to calling GetCurrentProcess().Kill(), Is there any elegant way to exit from application which will clear all resources and remove icon from system tray.

Solution 1:

You can either set

notifyIcon1.Visible = false;


notifyIcon.Icon = null;

in the form closing event.

Solution 2:

The only solution that worked for me was to use the Closed event and hide and dispose of the icon.

icon.BalloonTipClosed += (sender, e) => { 
                                            var thisIcon = (NotifyIcon)sender;
                                            thisIcon.Visible = false;

Solution 3:

Components just must be disposed in the right order like this :



Add this to the MainWindow closing event.

Hope this will help.