How can I change Excel so that I can enter English rather than German formulas?

I want to change my Excel installation such that I can enter formulas in English rather than in German. I believe, I should be able to change the corresponding settings under File -> Options -> Languages (German: Daten -> Optionen -> sprache). However, I am not able to change anything to English (such as the Menu entries etc.)

When I choose this option, I am presented with the following GUI:

enter image description here

Bearbeitungspsrache (which translates to something like editing language) is set to English (United States) Standard Setting (again my translation). So, I guess this should be sufficient to enter english formulas, but I seem to be wrong on that.

Furthermore, the Anzeigesprache and Hilfesprache (display language and help language) are set to adjust to Microsoft Windows and adjust to display language. The Windows language, as far as I can tell, is english also, under the Language Settings, I find:

enter image description here

As far as I can tell, I have an Office 2016. In VBA, application.version returns 16.0.

So, what do I have to change to enter formulas in English?

Solution 1:

Frist you should be sure to have installed the English version Of Office. Then In the "File"-> "Option" -> "Language" location, to set English as default. (Set both in "Choose Editing Language" box and "Choose Display Language" box)

enter image description here