How to easily make std::cout thread-safe?

While I can't be sure this applies to every compiler / version of std libs but in the code-base I'm using std::cout::operator<<() it is already thread-safe.

I'm assuming that what you're really trying to do it stop std::cout from mixing string when concatenating with the operator<< multiple time per string, across multiple threads.

The reason strings get garbled is because there is a "External" race on the operator<< this can lead to things like this happening.

//Thread 1
std::cout << "the quick brown fox " << "jumped over the lazy dog " << std::endl;

//Thread 2
std::cout << "my mother washes" << " seashells by the sea shore" << std::endl;

//Could just as easily print like this or any other crazy order.
my mother washes the quick brown fox seashells by the sea shore \n
jumped over the lazy dog \n

If that's the case there is a much simpler answer than making your own thread safe cout or implementing a lock to use with cout.

Simply compose your string before you pass it to cout

For example.

//There are other ways, but stringstream uses << just like cout.. 
std::stringstream msg;
msg << "Error:" << Err_num << ", " << ErrorString( Err_num ) << "\n"; 
std::cout << msg.str();

This way your stings can't be garbled because they are already fully formed, plus its also a better practice to fully form your strings anyway before dispatching them.

Note: This answer is pre-C++20 so it does not use std::osyncstream with its separate buffering, but uses a lock instead.

I guess you could implement your own class which wraps cout and associates a mutex with it. The operator << of that new class would do three things:

  1. create a lock for the mutex, possibly blocking other threads
  2. do the output, i.e. do the operator << for the wrapped stream and the passed argument
  3. construct an instance of a different class, passing the lock to that

This different class would keep the lock and delegate operator << to the wrapped stream. The destructor of that second class would eventually destroy the lock and release the mutex.

So any output you write as a single statement, i.e. as a single sequence of << invocations, will be printed atomically as long as all your output goes through that object with the same mutex.

Let's call the two classes synchronized_ostream and locked_ostream. If sync_cout is an instance of synchronized_ostream which wraps std::cout, then the sequence

sync_cout << "Hello, " << name << "!" << std::endl;

would result in the following actions:

  1. synchronized_ostream::operator<< would aquire the lock
  2. synchronized_ostream::operator<< would delegate the printing of "Hello, " to cout
  3. operator<<(std::ostream&, const char*) would print "Hello, "
  4. synchronized_ostream::operator<< would construct a locked_ostream and pass the lock to that
  5. locked_ostream::operator<< would delegate the printing of name to cout
  6. operator<<(std::ostream&, std::string) would print the name
  7. The same delegation to cout happens for the exclamation point and the endline manipulator
  8. The locked_ostream temporary gets destructed, the lock is released

Since C++20, you can use std::osyncstream wrapper:

  std::osyncstream bout(std::cout); // synchronized wrapper for std::cout
  bout << "Hello, ";
  bout << "World!";
  bout << std::endl; // flush is noted, but not yet performed
  bout << "and more!\n";
} // characters are transferred and std::cout is flushed

It provides the guarantee that all output made to the same final destination buffer (std::cout in the examples above) will be free of data races and will not be interleaved or garbled in any way, as long as every write to the that final destination buffer is made through (possibly different) instances of std::basic_osyncstream.

Alternatively, you can use a temporary:

std::osyncstream(std::cout) << "Hello, " << "World!" << '\n';