Word - Missing Pages, but word count still there

I found a solution to my problem. In the end, I managed to save all the work I had done including: text, tables, and importantly images.

Here's my solution steps:

1) Open the broken document.


2) Go to View > Web Layout .


3) Ctrl + A (Select All items on document).


4) Open a new Document.


5) Right Click, choose paste Keep Source Formatting.


6) Save the new document.


If anyone encounters a similar bug, hopefully, these steps work for them as well.

Let me know if you have any questions.

I did encounter this issue before, and as with your case, my document had a lot of tables. I assumed the document was corrupted, but after rebooting and reopening the document, the issue resolved. I would suggest that as a first step if you haven't tried that.

Another thing to try: save the document in another format, e.g. .doc, if it's currently a .docx. See if that recovers your data. Such issues seem to crop up when the document is from another version of word or, especially (in my experience) when it's been created using Office for Mac.

If this does not work, here is another source to try. I think you are experiencing the issue described in this thread: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/all/word-only-displays-the-first-page-of-doc-files/98c6ef79-70fd-482d-93e0-4ed71bfe04a9

It's still an open issue so hopefully it will be resolved soon: there are a number of suggestions in here that worked for other users. Please advise if any of these work for you!