How to keep the laptop's temperature low without hardware cleaning?

Last few days I found out that when I open Google Chrome and the laptop's fans start working really hard and I can not touch the mousepad because of heating.

I use Ubuntu 11.10 on my Toshiba A350-22z laptop and monitor CPU and hard drive temperature. Both cores reached 104 Celsius and I read somewhere "if your processor reaches 105 Celsius it harms itself". I cleaned the inside of of laptop a year ago but there is a point when the weather reaches about 20 Celsius there was no problem. I know hardware cleaning is the best solution but how can I solve with another way? I think the problem is related to the hot weather outside. Is there anybody that has the same problem? In addition to Google Chrome, I realized that when I open online video, the processor temperature increases very quickly.

Solution 1:

If it has been a year, then it is time to clean the dust out again, and make sure that the fan is spinning correctly. If there is no significant dust and the fan is spinning ( at the correct speed ), then you may try removing the heatsink, cleaning and reapplying the thermal paste.

You also might try the boot option pcie_aspm=force as some people have reported that helps. Run sudo gedit /etc/default/grub and add that option to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT options, then run sudo update-grub and reboot.

Solution 2:

I put two books under my laptop (one on each side). The temperature is now around 60 °C (from 72 °C). This is the cheapest solution, just don't cover the holes where the air flows.

Solution 3:

Try installing Jupiter power management and setting it to Power Saving to cut the speed of the processor slightly and keep it that little bit cooler:

Solution 4:

Rendering video is a processor intensive task and will likely heat up your processor. Perhaps an external fan or chill pad would help with your overheating problems.