Outcommented Facelets code still invokes EL expressions like #{bean.action()} and causes javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException on #{bean.action}

Solution 1:

Look closer at the stack trace. Here's the relevant part:


It's thus evaluating EL in a comment block (recognizable by CommentInstruction). A comment block is considered as template text. Facelets evaluates by default also EL #{} in template text. It's like as if you're writing <p>#{screenShotBean.takeScreenshot}</p> without any JSF tag.

You've several options:

  1. Remove the comment block altogether.

  2. Escape EL expressions in the comment by prefixing it with \ as in


    so that they won't be evaluated.

  3. Wrap the entire comment block in <ui:remove> so that it doesn't appear in the component tree (nor in the generated HTML output).

  4. Disable parsing of all comments by Facelets by adding the following context parameter to web.xml:


    Note that no one comment will end up in generated HTML output this way.

Solution 2:

In addition to the options BalusC already provided you could also add the attribute rendered="false" to your commandLink.

If you have several components you want to be able to toggle quickly, you might want to consider creating a debug property in a bean or use the project stage:

rendered="#{facesContext.application.projectStage == 'Development'}"

Solution 3:

You could also use the context parameter that skips comments in your web.xml.

This is the parâmeter: