How can I do factory reset using adb in android? [closed]

How can I do the factory reset in android using ADB command? I had used adb reboot recovery command to get reset. But third party applications couldn't be cleared somehow.Is it correct way to achieve using ADB?

Actually, I want to do factory reset android devices through java code. What can be solution here?

You can send intent MASTER_CLEAR in adb:

adb shell am broadcast -a android.intent.action.MASTER_CLEAR

or as root

adb shell  "su -c 'am broadcast -a android.intent.action.MASTER_CLEAR'"

Try :

adb shell
recovery --wipe_data

And here is the list of arguments :

* The arguments which may be supplied in the recovery.command file:
 *   --send_intent=anystring - write the text out to recovery.intent
 *   --update_package=path - verify install an OTA package file
 *   --wipe_data - erase user data (and cache), then reboot
 *   --wipe_cache - wipe cache (but not user data), then reboot
 *   --set_encrypted_filesystem=on|off - enables / diasables encrypted fs


From @sidharth: "caused my lava iris alfa to go into a bootloop :("

For my Motorola Nexus 6 running Android Marshmallow 6.0.1 I did:

adb devices       # Check the phone is running
adb reboot bootloader
# Wait a few seconds
fastboot devices  # Check the phone is in bootloader
fastboot -w       # Wipe user data

I have made it from fastboot mode (Phone - Xiomi Mi5 Android 6.0.1)

Here is steps:

# check if device available
fastboot devices
# remove user data
fastboot erase userdata
# remove cache
fastboot erase cache 
# reboot device
fastboot reboot