I am admin, but I cannot edit system variables (Windows 10)

-- Note, initially posted on Stack Overflow, comments suggested I post here --

Just upgraded to a new computer and am trying to install things that need access to the system path (e.g., arcpy, msys, and other things). I am the administrator, but somehow I don't have access to anything System-related. I don't remember having this issue on my old computer.

Screenshots below show (1) grayed-out system variables edit option; and (2) check that I am administrator (it also says I am in user accounts).

What am I missing to get full admin permissions? Note, I want to be able to add/edit system paths through the Environment Variables window, not through command line.

enter image description here

enter image description here

You could try accessing this through the System Page

Windows + Pause/Break will bring up the System Page

Then click Advanced system settings
enter image description here

This might get you to auth at this point - but even if it doesn't, it should ensure you're continuing as administrator

Click the Environment Variables button at the bottom
enter image description here

You should now be on the environment variables page as an Admin.

If accessing through start menu:
(Just noticed the other answer by Niall895 is pretty much the same as below)

When you type 'environment' into the start menu, make sure you select Edit the System environment variables, rather than Edit environment variables for your account.

If you don't, they will be greyed out as in your screenshot.

(It may or may not get you to re-type your credentials first)

enter image description here

It's possible you have different UAC settings on this instance

(Type UAC into start menu on each and look at the settings)

enter image description here

Although changing this just usually gets rid of the prompt pop-ups