How to put a component on top of others?

I have a JScrollPanel that includes a big panel which it's self includes 3 inner panels. i want to put a panel (for example) in a special place so that always could be seen, I mean the user can scroll to anywhere wants but that panel always is in top of the other components and doesn't move. I tried to do that via JLayeredPane but I couldn't. how may I do that?

There's a JLayeredPane example here, but OverlayLayout, seen here, may be of interest. It's not included in the conventional gallery.


Also consider this example that paints on the scroll pane's JViewport.


You could use

  • The GlassPane
  • JLayeredPane

To overlay content on top of the other components on the screen

Couldn't you just put the content that you don't want to move in a separate JPanel that isn't the scrolling panel? I don't see any reason to include it in the scrolling panel if you don't want it to scroll.

So have one big panel (call it bigPanel or something) that doesn't scroll. Then have the panel that you don't want to scroll in bigPanel. Then also put the scrolling panel in bigPanel as well.

Perhaps I'm missing something, but wouldn't that solve your problem?